Spray Foam Insulation: A Better Way to Reduce Heat Transfer?


In summer times, almost every homeowner is looking for ways to stay cool. Some are out purchasing new HVAC equipment, while others are just keeping the blinds shut & hoping for the best. There is a better method to stay cool in the summer months, though, & it all comes down to reducing heat transfer.

When it comes to cutting down on heat transfer, there is simply no better solution than spray and heat resistant foam insulation—let us take a closer look at why.

What is Heat Transfer? 

If you are not much familiar with the concept of heat transfer, you’re not alone. The idea refers to the movement of heat from one point to another, and there are 3 ways in which this can occur: conduction, convection, & radiation.

Conduction happens when heat is directly applied to an object, generally in a scenario where 2 objects of different heat levels make direct contact with one another. With convection, however, warmer areas of a gas or liquid rise to meet cooler areas. Radiation sets itself apart, as it doesn’t require matter to transfer heat from one object to another.

All 3 of the above kinds of heat transfer can occur within the home, with heat gain & cooling loss a major problem for Atlanta area homes, & the culprit can most frequently be found in a lack of air sealing & insulation —spray foam can solve the concern. 

Air Sealing and Spray Foam Insulation

Have you ever felt a draft in your dream home? Draft, that doesn’t seem to want to go away. Are there certain rooms during the summer or heat during the winter that have historically been more difficult to cool? Both scenarios point to tiny gaps and cracks that may be scattered throughout the home, most of which will be too small to ever see without a magnifying glass.

Putting air leaks to rest is surely best done with spray and heat resistant foam insulation, which can be easily applied directly to minimize unwanted air & heat transfer from occurring. The material is capable of expanding to a hundred times its liquid volume, thus filling gaps, holes, cracks, and crevices effectively. Materials can stick to almost any material and remain flexible without the need for a vapor barrier, creating an environment in which you can easily control air transfer from start to finish. Spray foam insulation permits your HVAC system to work in the proper way without overextending itself, thus ensuring a more comfortable home for you and your family this summer.



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